AUTOBIOGRAPHY ON A TREE- A simple example for school students
This can be written as beautifully as a tree is. So if you want to write an autobiography, then we have written below something as an example for you. Check out.
I am a tree, and I’m a beautiful source of your life and like all the other God’s blessings, I am the one who is the most uncared for, neglected and ignored entity in the whole World.
I clearly remember the time when God had a meeting with me before he created this World.
He trusted me with the most important responsibility which is the maintenance of the Earth. I was assigned to be the source of life for mankind and so I was supposed to be a giver.
I believe I have been doing my responsibility very well as I provide oxygen, wood, fruits, rain, flowers, leaves and a lot of things to human beings, but what do I get in return? Nothing but only pain. Even after giving so much, the sinister man kills and cuts me. After giving all the important sources to humans, humans just cut down us and ultimately kill the source of their life.
Since this Earth was created, I have been an important part of this very beautiful world.
Since humans still don’t understand my value to them, I through an autobiography on a tree tries to explain and tell humans how important we are to them.
We ( Trees ) all brothers and sisters are the real oxygen generators of this World. The oxygen that is generated by me is inhaled by all the living species and even the animal kingdom. So do they even think how they will live without me? No they don’t and that’s why they still continue to cut and kill us which they need to stop now!!
When humans cut trees, there are many negative effects on the environment. It results in the increase of the amount of carbon and some other greenhouse gases in the air. It also results in the emission of the CO2 in the air. Carbon dioxide and some other greenhouse gases like the oxides of methane and nitrogen trap the heat of the atmosphere and so increases the average temperature of the surface of the Earth.
And this temperature increase which happens near the surface of the Earth and also oceans is called global warming.
The changing agricultural yield, changing weather conditions and increase in the vectors of the disease are some of the common side effects of global warming. All human beings need to show more concern towards trees and nature. Measures should be taken by men to prevent deforestation and promote afforestation so that everybody can live in an environment which is quite healthy to live in.
And so now you see how important we are to humankind, we are very important for the smooth running of your life. Time has come that men need to realise our divinity.
Humans strictly need to take measures for preventing the deforestation and cutting of trees so that they can continue to live in an environment which is healthy and safe for them to live in. And as now you can see how crucial trees are through this autobiography on a tree, the trees are actually for the evolution and for the smooth running of all the life forms on this planet. Trees are the power-house of evolution and thus humans must treat them with respect and grace.
And so as you have learned now how you can write an autobiography of a tree and what is the importance of a tree for humans and what side effects it has on the environment and humans both, we are sure that you can definitely try now to write one on your own. Do more research on trees and prepare the best autobiography on them.